Symposium SIKA 2023

In May 2023, employees of the PIAP laboratory participated in a symposium entitled “Calibration Techniques,” organized by SIKA Dr. Siebert & Kühn GmbH & Co. KG. The symposium began with a presentation on Sika’s organization and known techniques for the correct calibration of thermometers and pressure gauges. During and after the presentation, participants asked questions to the event organizers and exchanged opinions on the presented topics and professional experiences. At the end of the event, interactive demonstrations were conducted with the latest Sika equipment for calibrating thermometers and pressure gauges. Employees of the PIAP laboratory had the opportunity to exchange experiences and share their knowledge with other participants of the event. Special thanks to Thomas Meth, Martin Opfermann, and Remigiusz Raducha, who, in addition to organizing the event, demonstrated great skills and professionalism during the presentation and discussion.

For additional information and offers regarding the calibration of temperature measuring instruments, temperature and humidity meters, pyrometers, and pressure gauges provided by our laboratory, please visit

Workshops on conducting vibration tests

In April 2023, workshops on vibration tests were organized by the LBUP Industrial Equipment Testing Laboratory. The number of participants who wanted to broaden their knowledge and learn about the possibilities of our laboratory exceeded all expectations. At the event we presented ourselves to a group of over 30 participants! During the workshop, together with EC TEST Systems, we presented electrodynamic systems for carrying out vibration tests of objects as well as comprehensive control and measurement systems. The demonstrations were carried out on a Dongling Technologies system with a force of 30 kN. We would like to thank EC TEST Systems for cooperation and help in organizing the event.

Additional photos from the event and extensive information about the Łukasiewicz PIAP institute can be found at Łukasiewicz – PIAP | LinkedIn.

Additional information and offers regarding vibration tests provided by our laboratory can be found at Laboratorium Łukasiewicz – PIAP – Resistance to sinusoidal vibration, random and mechanical shock tests (